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Deer Mountain Campground


5309 North Main Street, Pittsburg, NH 03592

Hours and Fees

Park Office: 603-538-6965

Open Full-Time/Staffed - 5/23, Fall primitive TBD, Last reservable night 10/12

Camping Rate Per Night: $29.00 per night (no hookups)

Notice: to accomodate guests with allergies, dogs are no longer allowed in Cornpopper Cabin (Site 20).

Park Operating Schedules

This park is always open for recreation unless closed or restricted by posting.

Off season use: During off hours and the off-season the park is typically not staffed, comfort stations are not available and gates may be closed. The off-season poses unique risks inherent when participating in outdoor recreational activities. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park lands.

Activities and amenities

Camping Fishing Hiking Canoeing Restrooms Pet-friendly Picnic Area Walking Trails Park Store Cabins/Yurts Primitive Camping Developed Camping

About the Park

Deer Mountain Campground is located in Connecticut Lakes State Forest, adjacent to the Connecticut River between Second and Third Connecticut lakes and is just five minutes south of the Canadian border. It is adjacent to the stretch of Route 3 north of Pittsburg, referred to as Moose Alley, which makes it a prime location for moose viewing. The campground consists of 25 primitive sites and opens for camping beginning on May 27th. Deer Mountain Campground Information.

Deer Mountain Campground Map  /  Deer Mountain Campground Information/Policies



platform site at deer mountain campground platform site at deer mountain campground
campfire at white lake campfire at white lake

Camping at Deer Mountain Campground

Located in the Connecticut Lakes State Forest between the Second and Third Connecticut Lakes, this primitive campground is just five miles south of the Canadian border. The 25-site campground is thirteen miles from Lake Francis, and is open for reservable stays from Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend. Cornpopper Cabin and sites 21 & 23 are reservable through early November.


Youth Group Camping

Let NH State Parks set the stage for your group’s next adventure.

Youth Group reservations for Greenfield, Moose Brook, Monadnock HQ, Pawtuckaway and Pillsbury State Parks can be made through ReserveAmerica by calling 1-877-647-2757. All other youth group reservations are made by calling Concord Headquarters at 603-271-3556 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
A $25 deposit will be required upon reservation, all additional fees will be collected at the park upon check-in. All Camping policy rules apply to youth group camping. Youth Groups camping at remote sites, Umbagog, or Dry River must pay in full prior to arrival.

For More information, please visit our School & Youth Group Page.

Are pets allowed at Deer Mountain Campground?

Pets are permitted in the park but are not permitted in cabins. See the NH State Parks Pets Policy for more information.

Keep Your Parks Clean

Through the Carry-In/Carry-Out Program, you can help us keep your parks clean and beautiful by carrying out whatever you carry in. Thank you for your cooperation and remember to recycle.

Access for Persons with Disabilities

Visit our Accessibility for All webpage at For more information on specific accessibilty needs or questions, please contact the individual park office directly.

Additional Resources

Deer Mountain Campground Map
Deer Mountain Campground Information/Policies
Drone use is restricted at all NH State Parks. Drone operators are not permitted to take off or land within NH State Park boundaries.
Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301